"A natural refuge where sick, old and needy elephants can once again walk the earth in peace and dignity."
The Elephant Sanctuary, in Hohenwald Tennessee, is a designed to care and nurture old elephants from zoos and circuses. This non-profit organization meets the needs of endangered elephants while also letting them live their lives as normal as possible. Instead of having the elephants in cages, they have "people fences", which keep visitors out instead of the elephants being trapped in. The missions of The Elephant Sanctuary are to provide and care for old and sick elephants with the luxury of green fields, and heated barns in the winter, and to provide education to the public on how important it is to save this endangered species.
However, because this sanctuary is a "true sanctuary,” it is not open to the public. The Elephant Sanctuary organization believes that because these elephants have spent their entire lives in cages being observed by the public eye, that once they come here they should not be disturbed, except for those employed which care to the needs of this animal.
The Elephant Sanctuary Organization uses its website and video blog to send information to the public about its mission to help animals and exactly what they're are doing inside the 2700 acres. The website contains live streaming videos that people can watch in order to keep track of the elephants. Their website also makes readers feel connected with each elephant by using pictures and by sharing each elephant’s story.
I can personally connect with what this organization is trying to accomplish because elephants are my favorite animal and I don't want them to become extinct. Elephants are such gentle creatures and it's upsetting to hear about them being poached and killed off for any reason. One day i hope to get the chance to visit or work at a place with elephants. I also like that this organization isn't meant for showcasing elephants. I like that it is closed to the public so they can live in peace.
"The Elephant Sanctuary : Hohenwald Tennessee." The Elephant Sanctuary : Hohenwald Tennessee. United States Department of Agriculture, 2013. Web. 28 Jan. 2014.